MGT(management for textile) - RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION

The process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected

Positive Recruitment

-Attract highly qualified and  competent people
-Ensure that the selected candidates stay longer with the company
-Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit
-Help the firm create more culturally diverse work-force

Negative Recruitment

-Failure to generate qualified applicants
-There is no match between cost and benefit
-Extra cost on training and supervision
-Increases the entry level pay scales


External Factors

Supply and Demand
Unemployment rate
Labor market

Internal Factors

Recruitment Policy
Size of the firm
Growth and Expansion

 a Flow chart:



* Planning
* Strategy development
* Searching Decision
* Evaluation and control

Planning about how many applicants will be contacted, how many will be invited, the ratio of invitees and interviewee, ratio of interviewee and offers made and finally the ratio of offer made and offer accepted.

Strategy Development
Make Or Buy- whether the employees would be search and recruit by the company or will go for 3rd party contract.

Technological sophistication- recruitment should be based on and thinking about the technology used by the company and also the use of technology to recruit applicants.

Where to look- whether the recruitment should be limited to internal sources or advertise for external applicants.

How to look - the medium to be used

Searching Decision

External Recruitment 

Professional Trade associations
Employment exchanges
College / University
Displaced persons
Radio and Television
Acquisitions & Mergers

Internal Recruitment

- Present Employees
- Employee Referrals
- Former Employees
- Previous Applicants

Evaluation & Control

-Salaries for Recruiters
- Management & professional time spent on preparing job description, job specification                               advertisements, liaison etc..
- Cost of advertisement
- Cost of producing supporting literature
- Recruitment overheads & administrative expenses
- Cost of overtime & outsourcing  


  - When demand for product peaks
  - Additional income for employee
  -It results in Fatigue, increased accidents & more absenteeism 
  - Need to pay double wages

Employee Leasing 
  - Often called Staff outsourcing 
  - Useful to small & medium sized firms

Temporary Employment
  - Low labor costs 
  - Easy access to experienced labor 
  - Flexibility in future 

DEFINITION: It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. This starts as the recruitment process ends.


Selection Tests

Testing is based on the job requirement and specification. It may be in the form of oral or written. Common tests include:
   * Ability, aptitude and personality tests.
   * Interest and graphology tests.
   * Polygraph tests
   * Medical tests

 Selection Decision
* The most critical of all steps
* Final decision is made after tests interviews and reference checks.
* It becomes a daunting task when  many job-seekers lined for final selection.
* HR Manager and Line Manager play a crucial here.

Job Offer

* Job offer is made through a letter of Appointment( when to report on duty )
* Appointee should be give reasonable time for reporting.
* Appointee is also required to obtain a relieving certificate.
* Decency demands that rejected applicants should be informed.
* Their application can be preserved for future use, if any.


Perception-the view of the interviewer or the person involved with the selection process may not be same.

Fairness- This is the problem of the 3rd world countries

Validity- the test content and other relevant should be valid in terms of job content

Reliability- the test should be reliable

Pressure- external or internal pressure should be handle smoothly. Pressure is every where.


Recruitment and selection service in being computerized and online based. The physical steps is being reduced day by day. This is better than the previous ones.

 The E Process is going through:

- Online Applications -invites application through website
- Screening -through computer command
- Skill assessment- on line skill assessment which is cost and time effective
- Conduct background checks -Email application
- Interview-  through video conferencing or other modern means
- Offer -Email
- Acceptance- Email Reply
- Joining physically or some companies permit anywhere working

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