Course : Fabric Design & Analysis
In this course the students will study a brief introduction to the weave structures and formation of basic weaves & derivatives like plain, twill, satin and some fancy weaves. The course also demonstrates the principles of color theory and, color and weave designs also formation of extra thread figuring and double & multi-layer cloth.
Focus of the course:
The courses mainly focus on the one of important segment of textile technology i.e. weaving structure design processing and construction of woven fabric which plays an imperative function to produce garments.
Learning objectives:
In this course you will be able to develop the following program objectives:
Problem solves and applies sustainable practices related to fashion and textiles issues.
Utilizes a systems approach to design and operational performance, have the technical and relevant process skills, in both analysis and synthesis to be able to exercise technical judgment in decision making.
You have the ability to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
Learning outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will become aware of the technical aspects of the fabric formation, fabric properties and follows:
Prerequisites process to produce woven fabric design and structure.
Essential features to construct a fabric design.
Different characteristics of fabrics.
Identify the manufacturing process at sector and enterprise level.
Outline the fundamentals of the weaving process.
Course requirements:
Must have basic knowledge of Weaving, Properties of Fibers, Yarns & Fabrics are important
There will be two class tests one will be before midterm exam and another one after midterm exam based on class lectures.
A one hour thirty minutes midterm examination and two hour final examination administered by the University Examinations Office will be held after lectures have ceased. The final examination covers lectures and assigned textbook readings. Nearer the time, you will be advised of the date, time and venue of the examination by the Examinations Office.
Classroom rules and conduct:
Be punctual, focused and punctual
Avoid side and irrelevant discussion
Avoid leaving class without valid reason
Be involved in classroom discussion and other activity
Show respect to other’s view and ideas
Wear ID card when in the class and in the University.
Raise your hand before asking or telling anything.
Students will turn their cell phones off or put them on vibrate mode while in class. They will not answer their phones in class.
Academic Dishonesty:
If anyone tries to adapt plagiarism in assignment, both who adapts and who helps are penalized with 80% of their obtained marks. In case of severe plagiarism both students’ assignment marks will be cancelled without informing them.
If anyone copies other’s script in class test, some marks will be reduced from their obtained marks. If any students adapt any sort of academic dishonesty like plagiarism, cheating in midterm or term final examination he/she will be treated as per university policy. Zero tolerance is adapted to any kind of academic dishonesty.
Class participation:
You must be needed to attend 75% classes to attend in the final examination. Attendances marks will be given following the rule below:
Attending all class
5.0 marks
Missing one class
4.5 marks
Missing two class
4.0 marks
Missing three class
3.5 marks
Missing four class
3.0 marks
Missing five class
2.5 marks
Missing more than five class
0.0 marks
Class method:
Giving Lecture.
Showing Power point presentation (When necessary).
Group Discussion (occasionally).
Giving individual assignments.
Video tutorial will be shown from time to time.
Measuring & evaluation your learning progress:
Your learning progress in the course will be measured through the following ways:
Class attendance
Class test/Quiz
Group Assignment and/or Presentation
Individual Presentation
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
At least one assignment is given and the assignment submission deadline is before final examination. It may be extended by further discussion and more assignments may be given if necessary. The submission deadline of other assignments will be discussed in the class. If a student doesn’t submit assignment within deadline 25% of his obtained marks in assignment will be deduct as punishment.
Grading System:
The grades at the university will be indicated in the following way:
Numerical Grade
Letter Grade
Grade Point
80% and above
75% to less than 80%
70% to less than 75%
65% to less than 70%
60% to less than 65%
55% to less than 60%
50% to less than 55%
45% to less than 50%
40% to less than 45%
Less than 40%
Extraordinary Course Status
Letter Grade
Course schedule and readings:
Total course schedule will be divided into 12 sessions, where each session contains two lectures.
Session One
General concept about woven fabric and its classification
Important terms and factors about fabric
Introduction to textile design,
Methods of fabric presentation
Weave repeat unit
Session Two
Drafting and lifting plan constructions.
Session Three
Classification of basic weave
Detail study of plain weave
Derivatives of plain weave
Class Test One
Session Four
Comparative study of warp rib and weft rib
Matt weave
Classification of matt weave
Session Five
Twill weaves and derivatives of twill weave
Zigzag twill
Herringbone twill
Session Six
Diamond design
Diaper design
Other twill design derivatives
Mid Term Examination
Session Seven
Study on satin weaves
Properties of satin weaves
Derivatives of satin weave
Uses of satin
Session Eight
Study about fancy weave
Mock leno properties and weave design
Huckaback properties and weave design
Honeycomb properties and weave design
Session Nine
Crepe weave
Cord weave and its different types.
Class Test Two
Session Ten
Study about Double cloth
Color and weave effect of fabric.
Session Eleven
Study about knitted fabric design.
Session Twelve
Presentation of team project and reviewing the course
Final Examination
Watsons Textile Design and colour—Z.Grosciki, Universal Publishing Corporation, Mumbai.
Watsons Advanced Textile Design—Z.Grosciki, Universal Publishing Corporation, Mumbai.
Grammar of Textile Design—H. Nisbeth, Taraporevala & Sons, Mumbai.
Design of Woven fabrics—Shababane and Blinov, Mir Publishers, Moscow.
Woven cloth construction—Marks and Robinson, Textile Institute.
Textiles—A. Wynne, Motivate series, Macmillan Publications, London.
Textile terms and definitions—Textile Institute.
Weaving mechanism, Volume I and II, Prof. N. N. Banerjee.
Principles of weaving—Robinson and Marks, Textile Institute.
Weaving conversion of yarn to fabric—Lord and Mohammed, Merrow Publications, London.
Basic Textile Technology—Corbett.
Weaving machines, mechanisms and management—K. Talukdar, D.B. Ajgaonkar and S. Sriramulu, Mahajan Publishers, Ahmedabad.
Some important question for this course
1. Describe different methods of indicating weave on a design paper.
2. How can we illustrate a complete woven fabric on a design paper?
3. Define point draft and grouped draft with proper sketch.
Write the features of simple structure.
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Show the various parts of a complete design and define them.
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What are the methods that represent fabric on a design paper?
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What is Ruling line method?
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Describe the following drafting system with proper figure-
I. Skip Draft II. Grouped Draft III. Divided Draft
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Write the characteristics of Twill weave.
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What are the factors that affect the prominence of Twill weave?
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Show the smallest Twill weave.
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Draw the following design with drafting and lifting plan
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Draw the following design with drafting and lifting plan
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(Answer any three of the following)
Write the features of simple structure.
Show the various parts of a complete design and define them.
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What are the methods that represent fabric on a design paper?
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What is Ruling line method?
Describe the following drafting system with proper figure-
I. Skip Draft II. Grouped Draft III. Divided Draft
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How we can ornament a plain cloth?
Write the characteristics of Twill weave.
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What are the factors that affect the prominence of Twill weave?
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Show the smallest Twill weave.
Draw the following design with drafting and lifting plan
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Draw the following design with drafting and lifting plan
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